Saturday, July 16, 2011

Slow day for the cat but did a good deed.

I stopped by the Animal Hospital this week and nobody has gotten back to the vet. I don't actually know the going rate for the blood work and x-rays needed for the procedure, but that is not as imminent as I wish. The Dude has to go cold turkey on the drugs for a week and we need a full check up BEFORE that.

Aug. 9 or 16 are all we have. BUT it will be at 10!

In the lull, I have been up to my neck in dogs again. I am learning how to use my digital tablet so I can illustrate a children's book for YET ANOTHER charity. I have 3 or four of the 20 or so pictures done. Perfect way to kill time when there is nothing else to do . . . . .

But a bit of good work came my way.

This is a memorial for a friend to give to a great woman who fostered this very ill Toy Fox Terrier through her final days. It is always warming to do any little bit.

If you want to donate to me, you know how to click . . . but if you prefer dogs - as you are very welcome to do - have a click to the group that helped this little lady.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Amazing Tales...

I left Colorado in 1980, I am pretty sure. Of course I was all grown up and living my own life. Had traveled as a performing puppetteer and missed my 10th high school reunion, so most of my friends were new. All Denver adults, not my Littleton kid friends.

Flashback via Facebook!

The most amazing thing is happening because of my cat!!!
Just this week one of my best high school pals dropped into my fundraising site to help out and tonight, an even more amazing event! My very best girlfriend from Junior High, as I recall, gave me a donation.

I remember being a very odd little girl, I tended to get along better with friend's parents sometimes. Her mother was a little older than mine and I really remember how cool the old music her mom played in the house was! The old movies I loved were stuff we could talk about, much to the dismay of my friend who was learning how to make curls on rollers!

Wow, how a little event on the internet can make your brain FLY back in time.....

Back to your regularly scheduled story......

The dude was boring today. He acted exactly like a cat!

I tried to take some better movies of him on my new cell phone, but he was very dull. Getting fatter and being healthy for the procedure, but his usual boring, staring, unsettling self.

All is well.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Sacrifice

When you go to the radiation therapy, you are asked to bring something of comfort of the cat that will be destroyed (because it will be radioactive!)

A bit oxymoron, as how hard it is to bring something beloved and comforting that will never be seen again. But this is a no-brainer.

The Dude has NEVER destroyed a stitch of fabric or furniture from his youth (socks - yes, sofas -no) because a sisal scratch post was all I ever got him. This particular configuration has always been a favorite, in fact this is his fourth one.

IF I find another in a pet store, it will be replaced. It has hung along looking worse and worse because I have NOT seen any. A new post-style has been donated by my boyfriend, but actually what the Dude loves is sprawling across it and scratching it while he reclines . . . What a slacker!